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Sonali Ferdinands - Fashion Designer.

Hey there! I'm Sonali, an aspiring Fashion Designer from Sri Lanka and welcome to my portfolio. Here you'll have a peep into a fraction of what goes on inside my creative mind. 

Growing up on an island and coming from a family of artists I always had inspiration around me. My mum first realised that I too had a creative spark when I decided the leaves in the garden were too boring and painted them with every colour I had on my palette. 

Growing up in the Pearl of the Indian Ocean I was surrounded by culture and colour that now seeps its way into my work. Where I come from plays a pivotal role in my love of colour and pattern. I enjoy creating garments that give whoever wearing them a sense of happiness, confidence, and strength.

My portfolio showcases projects that have become a part of my creative journey as I studied Fashion Design at the Diploma level at Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts and personal projects in my own time. I hope you are excited as me to see what comes next. 



Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts


Ladies' College



MDIS Sustainable Fashion Illustration Competition, 

2nd Place

Contact Me

+65 91419101

Thanks for submitting!

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